Personality Transformation: Inner Personality, Outer Personality, Challenges, Tips and Practical Implementation

What is personality transformation?

Personality transformation refers to finding clarity about our present self and making lasting changes to one’s characteristic and patterns of thinking, feeling, behaving and focusing on what can we do better to evolve everyday.

Personality changes include two main things:

  1.  Knowing your why?
    Knowing our why means answering your desire to change if you are ready for it or not. It includes, why do I want to change? why do I want to work on myself?
    We need to understand the reasons, motivations and purposes behind our actions, goals and desires.
  2.  Action
    Action plays a crucial role in personality transformation because through action we can turn our intentions into reality. 

Here is how taking action will help in this process:
1. When we take action, action bridges the gap between the theoretical learning and practical implementation. Action allows us to implement what we’ve learned.
2. Action helps us to learn the new habits and helps us to grow. It is only possible by taking action because we cannot grow by just learning and reading but not implementing the things learned.
3. Action helps us to provide feedback on our work and on other’s work which creates the learning opportunities.
3. Action creates momentum and each step taken will make another step easier
4. Action increases the confidence within us.

5. We are taking action means we are creating evidence for ourselves to grow dynamically.

We can transform our personality by developing both inner personality and outer personality.

Inner Personality:
Inner personality refers to our deep seated values, beliefs and identity that defines one’s character. It explores the aspects of personality that are not always visible to others but significantly influence how we perceive and interact with the world.
We can work and develop our inner personality in several ways:
1. Self esteem
Change the way you think about yourself.
2. Be kind to yourself
You have to be your biggest cheerleader
3. Be curious
Always open your mind for learning and eyes for opportunities from which you can learn. Have a little knowledge about everything so that you can confidently talk and learn more about that topic by sharing what you know.
4. Respect Everyone
Respect everyone because “People reflect your behavior back to you”.
5. Set Boundaries:
Set your boundaries and reject the situations that hinders your growth. Start to say no to people and situations which doesn’t serve you.
6. Be disciplined:
You need to be disciplined about your goals so that you can build a sense of self trust.
7. Get out of your comfort zone to change, Take cold baths, Exercise, Have healthy foods.

Instant physical glow ups for physical/ outer personality:

1. Trim/clean your nails
2. Use good perfume
3. Know your resting face
4. Have a good energy
5. Drink more water.
6. Move your body
7. Work on your sleep pattern
8. Take care of your skin, health and body.
9. Take regular bath
10. Improve posture.
11. Do not take stress.

Q. Why is personality transformation important?

Personality transformation is important because it allows individuals to explore more about themselves and allows to work on themselves.
Personality transformation makes people attractive, energetic, and confident leading to greater personal fulfillment, improved core values and relationships and a better well being.

Q. How can I start transforming my personality?

You can start transforming your personality by developing self awareness, taking one step at a time. Personality transformation usually start when a person goes through unbearable pain(humiliation, insult) which triggers the urge to transform themselves.

Q. What are the common challenges in personality transformation?

The common challenges in personality transformation are:
1. Resistance to change: Taking a step back.
2. Uprooting: Changing from one task to another frequently.
2. Negative self-talk.
3. Fear of the unknown: Shielding ourselves from potential loss.
4. Procrastinating, to be in the place of comfort again.
5. Perfectionism: Setting up unrealistic expectations and ending up resisting because your expectations are not fulfilled.
6. Limited emotional processing skills: Avoiding the risks and actions that would ultimately change your life for better.
7. Justification: Prioritizing useless reasons over your ultimate ambition by making your justifications ready to make your point valid.
8. Spending time with wrong people leads to resistance for change because to align with their thought and to get validation from them.

Q. How long does personality transformation take?

The duration of Personality Transformation varies according to person. It is the result of daily habits not one-size-fits-all approach. It depends upon the specefic changes being made, method’s used and the person’s level of commitment. It can take months and even years.

Q. Can Anyone transform their personality?

Yes, anyone can transform their personality with the right mindset and commitment. You need to know the purpose behind this transform and dedicated towards the works that needs to be performed.
It can be changed through enough motivation, enough dedication and through intentional effort and practice.

Q. What role does self- awareness play in personality transformation?

Self awareness plays a biggest role in the personality transformation because, self awareness is also the first step towards personality transformation. When we are self aware about ourselves, we get motivation to transform ourselves.

Q. How can I measure progress in my personality transformation?

You can measure progress in your personality transform when you start feeling good about the things you were afraid to start at the beginning and if you feel motivated daily with whatever step you are taking towards self transformation then you can know you are doing progress.
Another way of finding out progress is that, people start commenting about your personality, they will start praising your words and works.

Q. What tools and resources that helps in personality development?

1. Listening to podcast in related niche.
2. Spending time with wise people.
3. Journaling and tracking apps
4. Reading books
5. Mentorship from the professionals
6. Participation in related activities

If you have further queries about personality transformation or any related topic you can leave your query in the comment box and we will response shortly.

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