Guided Meditation

Meditation Timer


Meditation is the powerful technique that has been practiced around the world for centuries. It helps to create mindfulness, awareness, tranquility and helps us to gain control over our body, mind and thoughts.

Let us do a short relaxation meditation right now.
Find a quiet place to sit.

Here is the tool specially made for you to help you in your meditation process, you can use this tool to keep track of your meditation session.

Meditate now

This is a step by step guide to meditation that I personally follow while doing meditation.

  1. First of all you can use your intuition to know the level of your energy right now. What is the rate of your vibration from one to ten, if one to four is “I feel low and I don’t want to do anything“, and five to ten is “I feel great and peaceful and in joy“, write the number in your copy according to your instinct–and don’t question it.
  2. Now we’ll begin to move to a meditative state. Find somewhere you can completely relax, sitting or standing, with your eyes open at this stage. Wherever you are, become aware of your body.
  3. Now become conscious of your breathing. Just observe. Breathe in slowly and let the air goes deep into your lungs, and then breathe out.
  4. Now, as you take a deep breath, imagine all the positive energy entering inside your body through your head, give it a color(such as green, yellow, green) which are positive. and imagine all the negative and low emotions going out through the tip of your toes and tip of your fingers, give them a color such as (red, dark) and exhale them out.
  5. Feel your belly moving up and down with every breath. Feel your chest move up and down with every breath.
  6. Now look around you. Notice the colours and the patterns you see, without judgement. Just observe. Let your eyes absorb all that’s around you. And then slowly close your eyes.
  7. Watch what comes to the screen of your mind. Let your thoughts pass by, no pressure. There’s no right or wrong.
    Relax your eyelids while you observe what comes and goes within your mind. And keep noticing the pattern of your breath: in, out; expansion and contraction.
  8. Listen to the sounds around you.
    Where do they come from?
    What are the tones?
    Are there any sounds that stand out?
    Can you distinguish between background and foreground sounds?
    And now you can listen to the sound of your breath. In and out.
  9. Bring your awareness to your entire body. Is there any tension? There’s no need to change anything. Simply notice any sensations in your body. Are there any feelings or emotions arising right now? What are they? Where in your body are they located? Observe, feel and listen. Stay still for the next minute. When you’re ready, slowly start to move your hands and feet. And then open your eyes.
  10. This is the end of the exercise, so let’s check your level of energetic vibration. How would you rate your vibration level now? Write down your number. Is it higher than before? If not, you can do the exercise again. Eventually you’ll find that this brief practice raises your vibration
    Remember Consistency is a key. In order to master anything you need to be consistent. Don’t lose hope if you don’t get results in couple of months. Keep practicing , it may take a whole year to feel a change.

2 thoughts on “Guided Meditation”

  1. Pingback: Guided meditation - Grow and Glow

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