How To Make Waking Up Early As A Consistent Habit

Have you ever hit the snooze button multiple times, only to rush through your morning being unsure about what to do? Trust me I’ve been there too.

Five months ago, I was a chronic night owl, struggling to get out of bed before 7:00 am. My mornings were disturbed, resulting in tiredness for starting a new day. I felt like I was always playing catch-up. Get out of bed, go to university and so on.

Determined to change my habits, I steeped on a journey to master the art of waking up at 5:00 am every day.

Many people aspire to wake up early to take advantages of quiet and fresh morning hours, but the transition can be intimidating. The initial struggle, the temptation to hit snooze buttons, and struggling to wake up with the alarm are all too familiar.

In this post I’ll share the strategies and techniques that I used to master the journey to understand the role of sleep:

  1. Preparing the night before
    Nighttime preparation is very essential because our body needs minimum 7 hours of sleep in order to function properly, If we sleep late than we cannot wake up full fresh the next morning so be sure to sleep around 9 or 9:30 in the night so that you can wake up at 5 the next morning. To avoid screening, turn on the grayscale mode in your phone that makes you difficult to look at the screen. This has helped me a lot. Avoid eating before bed.
  2. Don’t listen to your second thought
    As the alarm rings, we are half in our sleep and half awake. There is that one voice that encourages us to sleep little more. I am taking about that thought/voice, ignore that voice and wake up as soon as you hear the alarm sound no matter what. Establish a consistent sleeping and wake up time, even on weekends.
  3. Take Morning Shower
    Taking morning showers are life savers for those who want to make waking up early as habit. Morning shower wash up any nighttime sweat or skin cell build up so that you can start your day fresh. However, showering at night maybe a better option for people with skin conditions and allergies.

Practical Tips:

  1. Gradually adjust your wake-up time time in 30 minutes increment.
  2. Stay consistent, even if you miss a day.
  3. Use light exposure to regulate your body, spend at least 15–30 minutes outside in natural sunlight soon after waking up.

Summary of the benefits I’ve experienced by waking up early:

  1. It increased alertness by signaling to my body and brain that it’s time to wake up.
  2. Helped me to manage my day well.
  3. Increased focus and performance throughout the day.
  4. Helped me to maintain consistent sleeping and wake up patterns.
  5. Enhanced my Mood and energy throughout the day and as a result I don’t feel sleepy during the day at all.

Remainder: Consistency is the key!

Have a great day everyone.

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