Everything you need to know about inner work

Everyone defines inner work in their own term, but what I understood after years of doing inner work is, Inner Work is self exploration; to gain a deeper understanding of oneself. Inner work is something that talks about the internal work of the soul.

Initially, I was unaware of what inner work was and how it could impact my life. However, once I began this journey, I felt like my life turned upside down-in the best way possible.

This article reveals the answers to ignored topics of our life and how everything can have impact in our life in various ways.

We  need to do inner work to learn to be in our body and to understand what our deepest needs are, that have been buried since so long within us-those needs that have triggered us in many situations.

There are many such events that took place in our life which was not meant to happen but they did with our triggers. Inner work is something that will heal you from every thing that triggers you, that asks you to listen to your strength more than your fears.

so you should learn to explore your triggers and manage them.

It is truly about to understand the nature of your soul.

Inner work is about learning to evaluate our triggers and growing through it instead of suppressing them.

Let me give you a clear understanding about the triggers, how to manage them with inner work and how does it heal with some examples:-

Example no 1

I used to get trigger when my partner replied late or didn’t responded me or didn’t told me about what he is doing or why is he not available.

I realized It was not the trigger that my partner gave me but It was the trigger from my childhood that was suppressed inside me and wasn’t healed yet.

It was trigger from my parents stuff, family issues that I’ve got to experience in early childhood, hot and cold parenting and many more things.

So the problem was, I was not healed from that trauma which I had experienced in my childhood where I used to feel abandoned and where I was constantly seeking validation from my parents that was never fulfilled.

I expected the same thing from my partner i.e “validation”, to heal from my unhealed trauma from my childhood.

I used to react to him whenever that trigger pushed me. I felt I didn’t have the healthy and safety relationship that I needed, so whenever I felt that, I would react.

And because I never healed from that wound, I attracted a partner who brought that wound back in me.

this is one example what trigger is and how do you get it?

You have to analyze your triggers properly.

Everything that you were attracting that is triggering you is trying to help you heal.

When you look your triggers from this place of gratitude and from this openness, then it is easy for you to heal from what is triggering you to react impulsively. It was unhealed from your past.

Example no 2

I would be constantly triggered when my family members place things here and there at house. I used to shout on my mother, brother, sister to pick this and that up until they don’t do. I would get that current in my head that continuously ate me to shout on them.

I would just freak out. I became so controlling of my family. I didn’t felt good to be in this state of mind. I would constantly criticize my family.

I realized with inner work that I was not triggered by them, I was actually triggered by my own behavior. I would like to be powerful in front of others and that no one else had given me that opportunity to boss them around, I felt powerless and I knew that I was shouting at them to feel that power by controlling them.

I needed to control something to feel powerful. So as a result I tried to control everyone who were dearest to me because of my unhealed trauma of being powerless.

With inner work I solved that problem and started to embrace myself with proud. I am loving myself and my family even more. I no longer shout at them because I knew the reason behind that.

Example no 3

If you were sexually assaulted when you were kid, there are two ways that you are usually getting triggered when you became older.

1. It is when you feel your home is messy. So when your house is not managed properly you will get triggered. I will tell you how but let’s discuss second way.

2. You become very controlling and you feel that OCD in you .

When that happens you are actually been triggered by that traumatic experience you had when you were a kid, when you lost control and when you felt your body was no longer clean and safe .

It is possible to heal from these traumatic experiences with inner work.

Don’t be hard on yourself. You will not be able to help by criticizing yourself.

Be open and accept everything you’ve experienced. Accept that happened and now tell to yourself I am strong enough to protect myself and heal from whatever that happened in my past.

So whenever you get this type of trigger, take a step back and think.

Example no 4
If you are cheated on by someone on the past and then you go into new relationship, any slight remainder that you could be cheated on again , that will trigger you so massively.

You will judge them, try to be overprotective, and tend to do more such things that happened in your past relationship.

and that you were never healed from that experience. You attracted a partner to heal that wound.

You have to be able to separate what you are currently experiencing and what you’ve experienced then. So you can control yourself.

If someone in your family is behaving differently then ofc because of their past experiences.

Don’t be hard on them. Don’t talk rudely with them because you no longer suffer from those events, and now your cup is full so that you can provide to others .

Understand them and listen to them.

Now that you realized everything and knew what actually happened that triggered you, you can say the following things whenever you get trigger.

I want to enjoy my life to the fullest, I want to achieve my dreams and introduce me with the better version of myself.

For that to be possible I have to do my soul work . I have to do inner work.

I have to heal from whatever trauma I experienced in my childhood.

Inner work is being present in your own body, accepting who you truly are, who don’t seek validation, who is not scared to feel everything.

Everything is possible with the inner work. You have to be open to any circumstances that come to you and you should grow through it.

Inner work helps you in every way.

You can imagine yourself solving problems at your own, not reacting impulsively, being calm to every situations, loving yourself endlessly, finding ways to cherish your soul naturally and caring more about yourself than others.

I have worked on myself about 70% and still working to enjoy my life to the fullest . To be myself from every way possible without hiding any flaws. Still working on myself to change what I used to do in the past for good .

With inner work you can discover best version of yourself.

I hope this helps many of you out there.



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