Affirmations to practice daily

Affirmations are the positive statements that can be repeated in a way that promotes a positive mindset and self-empowerment. These are often taken as challenges to overcome self doubt and to increase more positivity.

There are some rules to keep in mind while practicing affirmations:

They should be written or spoken in positive and in present tense.

They should be repeated daily in order to make them effective.

They should evoke emotional resonance, meaning: “the more an affirmation resonates emotionally, the more powerful it’s impact is”.

Read aloud these affirmation daily in order to unlock all the abundance, love and success. Be open to receive them. Read these affirmations twice a day: First in the beginning of your day as soon as you wake up and second before going to bed.

  1. I am capable of doing anything I set my mind to.
  2. I am always at the right place at the right time.
  3. The universe is always working for me.
  4. I am happy, healthy and radiant.
  5. I am worthy.
  6. I deserve all the good things that are happening to me.
  7. I don’t chase, I attract.
  8. I am magnet for abundance.
  9. I am beautiful soul.
  10. I am honest and true, I don’t live to hurt others in any way.
  11. I learn from my mistakes.
  12. I am constantly evolving.
  13. What’s mine will simply find me.
  14. I am so lucky and blessed with the best.
  15. I attract positive and loving relationships into my life.
  16. I am getting healthier and more joyful every day.
Rememeber: Consistencey is the key to anything

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