How to become high value women?

Who exactly is a High Value Woman?

Traits of a High Value Woman:

  • A person who is self sufficient
  • A person who commits to the act and act accordingly
  • Who is determined to constantly improve themselves
  • Who doesn’t matter to fit with majority

It’s okay not to have everything figured out, everybody has a starting point but just the fact that you are interested in such self development things and you opened this article and you hope to grow and become a better person is already separating you from 99% of people.

In order to become HVW(High Value Woman) you have to treat yourself, your time, and energy in the same way.

If your goal is to become High Value Woman then your priority should never be to be valued by other people and to be liked by them

It is all about being on practice yourself of being picky so that you know with whom you associate with So that they can’t walk over you.

Being a High Value Woman is separating yourself from the majority and adopting the consciousness to separate yourself from the low vibrational mindsets and people’s.

High Value People, they step up and provide more value to other people because It’s about making sure that your cup is full so that you can provide to others. You are balancing the growth of your physical, emotional and spiritual being.

People are so obsessed with shifting blame onto the people fetishizing their own sadness or feeling more comfortable being angry and shouting and arguing and gossiping and calling up their friends to say such a low gossip that is doing nothing to you in the end of the day .

what I prefer is pickup a journal and start writing everything you are feeling . Trust me it will change your life and keep you away from low vibrational dramas.

You’ll see the difference in the energy you are radiating and the high vibrational energy that you are operating at , You’ll never want to come back.

Here’s a frequency chart for ultimate consciousness

Consciousness chart by Dr. David Hawkins

It was designed by consciousness researcher Dr. David Hawkins to predict the kind of outcomes and people you’ll attract throughout the course of your life.

You can see in this chart people vibrate at different frequencies and everyone has their own vibrational setpoint. If you are vibrating high you’ll attract all the good things such as; abundance , love, joy, peace, acceptance.

Must Include topics To review daily in order to become High Value Woman

  • What am I missing in my journey?
  • Why am I procrastinating things?
  • What can be my strategy so that I can level myself up conquering the things along the road?
  • What sort of resources I search up in order to push myself to be in the state of peace?

A High Value Woman doesn’t attach her worth to her success and her wealth ; It’s important to her but it doesn’t define her so, she is someone who is emotionally intelligent and emotionally available.

Thankyou for reading

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